From the Desk of Ray
Mr. Ray Nash, President
Mr. Ray Nash, President
"Now that we face the fact of this new emerging world, we must face the responsibility that comes along with it.  New age brings challenges.  We are challenged to rise above the narrow confines of our individualist concerns to broader concerns for humanity."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What is Giving Back and why is it important? There aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe the significance of giving back. Even the simplest acts of benevolence, the ones we think of as “random acts of kindness” or “no big deal” are incredibly important. Giving back in all shapes and forms strengthens our communities, brings people together and provides us with valuable experience and insight. And selfishly, when I give my time and energy to others, I just feel better about myself and my community.
Whether it’s a few hours after work or one day on the weekends, I encourage everyone to discover the joys of giving back and see firsthand how much of a positive impact it will have on your personal and professional life. If we all just give back even a little bit, imagine what an awesome place this world could be, how much fulfillment we’d get, and how much happier we would be. 
As time has gone on, I find more of us are willing to donate money and volunteer our time. This is an indicator to me, that the attitude of society is beginning to change. We are realizing we are not in this world alone and we need each other. 
The most obvious reason you should give back to your community is that doing so can create a profoundly positive impact on the world around you. Many people are reliant on the benevolence of others in order to get along. Without people who are willing to sacrifice their time and resources to help, there would undeniably be a lot more suffering occurring in our world.
Even if you aren’t always thanked by those you are helping, giving back to your community can have a tremendously positive impact on those in need. How did you feel after the last time you volunteered? Wouldn’t you want to re-live that feeling again, again, and again?
Though not everybody necessarily has extra money to spare, most people have at least a little bit of extra time. Through the hard work of volunteers, those in need in the United States—and across the world—have had access to more meals, better places to live, educational opportunities, and chances to live a better life. As long as we live in a world with other people, loving and caring for each other is an absolute necessity.
Giving back is something that is good for mental health and can also be good for your physical health as well. Giving back additionally gives you opportunities to meet other people, build a specific set of skills, strengthen your resume, and become a better leader. Even if the social benefits of your work will not be fully realized for years to come, the moment you give back, you will have a tangible reason to feel good about yourself.
Even if you have just a little bit of time to spare, your community and the whole of humanity will undeniably be thankful for your efforts, as you continue "Giving Back, while sending messages to a future we will not see."